Cambodian singer/songwriter, Sapoun Midada, 29, has been in the music industry for only a short time, but he has become a megastar almost overnight by singing and performing his self-written songs, a majority of which have become instant hits.
Midada graduated in French literature and music. He was a police officer and a journalist before entering the music industry. His meteoric rise is largely attributed to his songwriting talent and unique voice, which have made him one of the best-known musical stars in Cambodia today.
His song Dear Father, Dear Mother (Pouk Euy, Mey Euy) is featured in the film's opening, a center montage, and the credits.
Dear Father, Dear Mother (Pouk Euy, Mey Euy)
In the deep silence of the night,
My mind wanders with nostalgia over our farmland.
I am dreaming of both of you who looked after me
Regardless of the amount of suffering you have endured.
Endless sadness is sitting in my heart.
The city is pretty and clean,
I earnestly rely on my music and try to earn a living
By selling my voice and my songs.
I am coming back home tomorrow to see you and let you know
That from now on, we will put all the suffering behind us.
Do not worry anymore.
With Father, I used to listen to the music of the village.
I slept on Mother’s lap, and she serenaded me every night.
As I have grown up now, I am greatly indebted to you, Mother.
Do not be afraid of anything anymore.
Please be assured that I am going to take care of you.
Dear Father, Dear Mother,
I sing this song for you.
It is about my love for you
And how as a singer with his guitar, I earn some money
To help the family and to ease your suffering and hardship.
“Pouk Euy, Mey Euy” (Dear Father, Dear Mother)
written by Mom Sokunthea and Choum Bunthoeun
Performed by Sapoun Midada