Sokvannara Sar and Philip Glass, Vail International Dance Festival photo by Erin Baiano
The Host Committee Members Peter Bacanovic Maria Bell Claire Spiegel Brian and Brad Brian Annie and Gary Gilbar Jane Jelenko and Bill Norris Glorya Kaufman Nina Kotick Mattie McFadden Lawson and Michael Lawson Monique Lhuillier Stephanie Murray Gelila Puck Rob Marshall Ricki and Marvin Ring Susan and Marvin Rothenberg Steve Tisch Maria Hummer Tuttle and Robert Holmes Tuttle Liane and Richard Weintraub Alyce Williamson Gillian Wynn cordially invite you to the Los Angeles premiere of Dancing Across Borders directed by Anne Bass to benefit Center Dance Arts, founding supporter of Glorya Kaufman Presents Dance at the Music Center  on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 6:00PM at AMPAS Samuel Goldwyn Theater 8949 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills see map Opening remarks to be followed promptly by screening at 7:00 pm Directors Q&A and cocktail reception immediately thereafter Tickets: general admission: $175 reserved: $350
For additional information or to buy tickets please call: 310 854 2088 or email: rsvp@blupr.com Printable invite  DANCING ACROSS BORDERS On a trip to Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia in January 2000, filmmaker Anne Bass came across a sixteen year old boy who moved her immensely with his amazing and seemingly natural charms and grace as a dancer. Having been a longtime devotee to the world of dance herself back in the United States, Anne felt compelled to give this young boy the opportunity to leave his home and follow a dream that she felt he hadn’t even yet seen for himself. From the serene countryside of Southeast Asia to the halls of the New York’s School of American Ballet to the stage of the Pacific Northwest Ballet in Seattle, Dancing Across Borders peeks behind the scenes into the world of dance and chronicles the intimate and triumphant story of a boy who was discovered, and who only much later discovered all that he had in himself. dancingacrossborders.net firstrunfeatures.com CENTER DANCE ARTS (CDA)
CDA is a dynamic group of individuals with a passion for making dance accessible to our Los Angeles community through their support of Glorya Kaufman Presents Dance at the Music Center's (KDMC) presentation of world-class dance companies and its ongoing education and outreach efforts. KDMC provides learning opportunities at the Center and throughout the county for adults and children as well as free and low-cost tickets, open rehearsals, pre-and post- performance talks, school lectures and demonstrations, and community classes with visiting artists. For more information, please call the CDA office at 213.972.3359, visit www.musiccenter.org or our page on Facebook.
Free parking is available in the garages at 8920 Wilshire Blvd (opens 6:00 pm; see map) and 9025 Wilshire (opens 6:30 pm; see map). Both garages will be closed and locked thirty minutes after conclusion of the event. Please note the strictly-enforced residential parking permit requirements on the side streets. City ordinance prohibits parking in the alleys.